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Unbound Science is a creator economy for scientists and inventors. Built on web3, we're on a mission to create access to new technology, and spread it around the world faster than ever before.

Unbound Science is a creator economy for scientists and inventors. Built on web3, we're on a mission to create access to new technology, and spread it around the world faster than ever before.

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Our donation pools meet 8 of the 17 UN Sustainability SDGs, and allow for potential tax write-offs in 130 OECD countries.

Our donation pools meet 8 of the 17 UN Sustainability SDGs, and allow for potential tax write-offs in 130 OECD countries.

Our donation pools meet 8 of the 17 UN Sustainability SDGs, and allow for potential tax write-offs in 130 OECD countries.




What are the problems in traditional science that need to be fixed?

We believe scientific research has never been free to truly explore the unknown and we have made it our mission to unbind science. Throughout the course of human society, science has been subjected to control for reasons that include ideological, political, religious, and of course economic. Specifically, we propose to address the six most pressing challenges facing independent science research: Corruption: Until now, science has been dominated by agenda-based research. Facts have been created in controlled experiments, as opposed to funding open experimentation to discover the actual truth. Unbound Science has come up with a way to disintermediate the donor’s agenda. Security: Undoubtedly, scientific research that destabilizes the status quo can jeopardize the security of scientists. Scientists who disrupt society through their inventions could face security threats from business/government incumbents who fear losing oligopoly market power, or ideological fanatics who are enemies of progress. Preservation: Stop for a second and consider all the science humanity has lost due to destruction, be it natural or man made. Lost science is a crime against humanity. Unbound Science is committed to do its part to end the tragedy of lost science research. Finance: Financial independence is nearly impossible for the vast majority of scientists. Often scientists spend inordinate time soliciting grant applications and thereafter submitting monitoring reports to the handful of granting institutions. Subjugation: Unbound Science envisions an end to the current system where new technologies allow one society to take great advantages over all others, and remove their freedoms and even their own ability to advance as a society. It has taken generations and even centuries for subjugated peoples to even get back to zero, let alone be able to compete on the global stage. By empowering the entire workforce of 8 billion people on the planet with the same access to tools and capabilities, human progress can accelerate forward like never seen before. Distribution: One marketplace to share plans and rights across the world, in a single click. Scientists can generate recurring revenue from different contracts they can enable, from consulting, licensing, and leasing their IP. They can track all their clients and royalty payments from one place, instead of having to worry about cheap knock-offs and lawsuits hampering the true representation of their work.

How will Unbound Science create solutions to these problems?

Complex problems require comprehensive solutions. Hence, Unbound Science proposes an open-source scientific research platform, driven by and for the community. Our summarized solutions to the five challenges are listed below: Addressing Corruption: We surveyed which sectors could provide the largest amount of disruption and benefit to mankind, and have not yet been adequately addressed by traditional science, Open Source Science, or DeSci yet. Therefore, we’ve selected four areas to start, with more potentially being added later. At platform launch, benefactors may elect to contribute to one of four pools: Energy Food Technology (air, water, soil) Pollution (focus on clean-up) Quantum Research Instead of a benefactor donating directly to a project listed on a proposal board, the funds are donated to a pool. These funding pools are controlled through votes, with different weights given to donors, scientists, partnership science foundations, and the Open Source Science community. These donation pools are powered by cryptocurrency, and legally owned by a tax-optimized entity for issuing tax write-offs to donors (where applicable). Addressing Security: Scientists may opt to stay anonymous or pseudonymous, building an on-chain reputation and be judged solely by the merits of their work, both for their physical protection and for the sake of fairness. If you can do the work, your formal educational background (or employment) does not matter. Of course, a scientist with an already prestigious track record may choose to display their full personal information, for the sake of obtaining funding and asserting a greater influence. Addressing Preservation: To participate, scientists agree to upload all research data, notes, blueprints, and final instructions for replication to blockchain(s). Scientists can choose a variety of mechanisms for when to begin sharing this data, such as keeping it private until their work is complete, or their life is presumed to have ended. Addressing Finance: The platform features a YouTube-like interface, with a game-show-atmosphere experience for scientists to pitch concepts to a rotating panel of judges, who host the funding competition in seasons, each with several phases. Scientists no longer have to fill out an enormous application and wait six months for a few thousand dollars. They can simply submit a 5 to 8 minute video describing their idea. Winners in phase one are awarded their requested budget to develop a Proof of Concept. Winners in Phase 2 are given their requested budget to create a final prototype ready for mass production. Winners in Phase 3 are awarded their requested budget to create a mass production factory and further innovation laboratory. Addressing Subjugation: In return for funding, scientists must declare their inventions open-source, and share all of their experiment data, processes, and all other documentation for anyone to use and copy without restrictions. Winning scientists will earn revenue from the creation of “originals”, consulting contracts, and leftover general prize money. One of the other benefits of releasing open-source technology is that scientists do not also have to become international business owners in order to achieve success. By sharing the technology, they do not need to open their own factory and deal with all the costs and headaches of starting a global manufacturing enterprise. Their vision becomes reality a lot faster, cheaper, and there are still plenty of profits to be made for the scientist. Addressing Distribution: A marketplace is available for sharing buttoned-up packages of building plans and licensing agreements for worldwide production and distribution by third-parties. Open-source licensing for individuals, leasing of IP in exchange for royalties from corporations and governments, as well as consulting contracts to ensure the production is done at the highest of quality. Scientists can track all their business relationships through one place.

How can I learn more about your mission?

Our work is heavily inspired by meeting first-hand with scientists who have been able to defy the laws of physics before our very eyes. in addition, the following documentaries have gone to great lengths to bring this proof out into the world; proof that technology is being held back. in order to remove those in power who make basic necessities scarce, we must remove the scarcity itself first, thus rendering their power obsolete. https://youtu.be/nq2MCxXn3vg?si=2LVnv1gF58g1iIVl https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=S3YhKqJtGxa2b1RQ

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